What Is Dried Fruits?

Dried fruit has been available for thousands of years in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Dates are one of the earliest dried fruits that were eaten. Dried fruit is made by taking the water out of the fruit by sun drying or using a special machine called a dehydrator. Since the water is removed during drying, this also means that the natural sugars in the fruit are concentrated.

You can add some sweetness to your day by enjoying dried fruits. Popular dried fruits include raisins, dates, prunes (dried plums), figs, apricots and peaches. Fruits such as dried mango, pineapple and berries are also available, but these tend to be dried with added sugar.


Nutritional profile of dried fruit

Dried fruits can be a source of antioxidants in the diet. Dried apricots and peaches are also good sources of carotenoids, which your body turns into vitamin A.

Prunes, raisins and apricots also contain iron. Many dried fruits are also a source of fibre.


Tips for storing dried fruit

Store dried fruits in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

Dried fruit can be stored tightly wrapped at room temperature for several months. Store in a cool, dry place like a cupboard.

For prolonged storage (up to a year), they should be refrigerated in a tightly sealed plastic bag.