Kabkab Dates are a popular type of date in Iran and the world. This date is oval-shaped with semi-dry texture by nature. Dark brown color, you taste a good sense of sweetness of a really energetic fruit. In fact, this date is widely consumed in Iran due to its reasonable price and delicious taste, but many people still do not know it as Kabkab Dates and use only the word date to refer to it.

The color of this date is a light yellow when it isn’t overripe, and unlike other dates, it has a bit of a bitter taste, but when the date is fully ripe, its tint turns into a dark brown, and becomes ambrosial.

Kabkab dates are classified as wet dates and have a lot of nectar and in this respect, it is similar to Kali dates. Kabkab dates are yellow when unripe and, when ripe, turn brown, and can range from light brown to dark brown. The size of Kabkab dates is medium and is about 3 to 4 cm. In terms of size, appearance, and pit, they are almost the same size and similar to Mazafati dates, but the skin of Kabkab dates is thicker than Mazafati dates.

Packaging10kg | 15kg | 23kg